Gu-Lan Tea

Ancient Diet Formula for Fat Blocking & Body Detox

Gu-Lan Tea can be traced back to the 4th century during the period of the ancient Silk Road. At the ancient town of Gu Loulan, traders prepared a herbal tea by using different spices sourced from Mongolia, China and the Himalayas before the start of their long journey. The tea was made to reduce the sugar in their bodies and ward off thirst while they were travelling across the desert; the tea kept them healthy and energetic, free from the illness and diseases from the harsh environment and irregular high fat diet on their way to the West.

Until recent years, scientist studied the species in the tea and discovered the tea blends are delicious and very rich in powerful, health-promoting nutrients, including saponins, betaine, carotenoids, polysaccharides and anti-oxidants. Scientists are now discovering these nutrients carry tremendous health benefits, which may possibly be one of the answers to the important and complex health question of our time.

*Gu-Lan tea is 100% herbal based. It is not a prescription medicine. (disclaimer)


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Gu-Lan Tea is Part of Following Programs
  • Du's Hypertension Program >>
  • Wu-Long Slimming Program >>
  • Okinawan Diet Program >>

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