A Healthy Summer with Midsummer Tea

- It’s recommended to consume at least one liter of summer tea daily, especially for people
who are active in summer or under the sun.

- Wear sunscreen.

- Wear light clothing that allows evaporation and heat dissipation. It recommends cool-down
clothing that wicks away moisture to keep the body cool and dry in warm conditions.

- Stay cool indoors also; use air conditioning and/or electric fans to help circulate the coolness.

- Use the buddy system - don’t do anything strenuous alone in the heat.

- If you feel you are overexerting yourself, take a break and cool down.

Wind-Heat Type of Common Cold

If the symptoms of headache, muscle pain, swollen cheeks and running nose occur, do the following: use three to four tea bags of midsummer tea, brew in boiling water for at least ten minutes, then add three large pieces of rock sugar (granulated sugar will not have the same effect, be sure to use rock sugar) before use. Repeat two to three times a day.

If the symptoms have already manifested, take 4 tea bags of midsummer tea, boiling in water, 500ml (or two cups) for 20 minutes; then add four large pieces of crystal sugar (or ten grams of honey) and boil for another five minutes, drink while warm. Repeat three to four times a day.

First Aids of Heat Sickness

Although anyone can suffer from a heat-related illness, young children, older adults, and people with chronic medical conditions are especially at risk.

Heat sickness can come in phases:

Heat syncope

A fainting episode of dizziness that usually happens during activities in a hot environment. Dehydration and a lack of acclimatization are factors that might contribute to heat syncope. Symptoms include light-headedness, dizziness, and fainting.

Heat cramps

Cramps that affect people who sweat a lot during strenuous activities. Depleted salt levels result from sweating causing the painful muscle cramps. Symptoms include muscle pain or spasms usually in the hands, arms, legs, and abdomen.

Heat edema (swelling)

This usually occurs when an unacclimated person is exposed to hot weather. Symptoms include profuse sweating, extreme redness in the face, and swelling in the hands, lower legs, and feet.

Heat exhaustion

The body’s response to loss of water and sweat, usually through excessive sweating. Symptoms include heavy sweating, extreme weakness and fatigue, dizziness, and clammy skin.

Heat stroke

A medical emergency; body temperature is over 104 degrees orally. Symptoms include confusion and dizziness, hallucinations, throbbing headaches, and chills. Heat stroke can cause death or permanent disability if emergency medical treatment is not given.

Directions: cooling the body down quickly is an important first step in treating heat-related illnesses. This means first moving the victim to a cool, shaded area. Further treatment can vary depending on the severity of the symptoms; for example, drinking cool water or summer tea is recommended for treating heat syncope, cramps, edema, and exhaustion, but not recommended for heat stroke. The tea is not a substitute for actual medical treatment. Should you or others experience the symptoms of a heat stroke, seek professional medical attention immediately.