Resveratrol Reviews

Here are some of our real customers who have achieved their health goals with the help and support of the Resveratrol. Yes, these are genuine results with verified purchase achieved by real people. We are incredibly proud of our customer’s achievements and encourage you to look through and gain inspiration. Kick-start your health goals today with the help of Resveratrol, We want you to feel happier and healthier!

*results may vary from person to person. For more information please read our disclaimer.

* "I started on Resveratrol 4 weeks ago, and my energy levels are so much higher, and i feel so much fresher and revitalised each day." Claudia

* "I felt wonderful. My depression left. I don't get grumpy any more. Resveratrol has helped and I am so focused and getting things done! My memory is better and mental energy improved. However the effects I mentioned began just after I started to take Resveratrol in addition to Gu-Lan tea. Harmoni-T is a fine brand in my eyes." Randy D, Hoppers Crossing

* "I run a clinic where most of my patients are overweight and have many other health problems. I started taking your product 3 months ago and have lost 30 kilos without changing my supplement regimen, and my blood profile has improved. I plan to now start recommending your resverarol products to my patients who I think can benefit." Francisco Kelly, Mosman

* "I have been using the 99% capsules for 2 weeks. I now noticed a difference in how much energy I had for my morning walk. I am sleeping properly and awake earlier in the morning. It helped my stress level to be much less. Just 2 per day makes my life easier and brighter!" John W

* "I just switched from P50 (resveratrol) to Micro500 (micronized resveratrol). It is just so easy and powerful. Only need one a day. It worked so well with the gym" Aaron J, Oxford

* "Love it! Resveratrol makes my muscle tone so much firmer, especially around my waist and thigh areas, and all this without actually having to work out" Mollie

* "After just 2 weeks I noticed that the arthrirtis in my ankle was much improved. My ankle used to hurt so much that I walked flat footed, and could not raise up on my toe on my right foot. Now I have full motion with so little pain that I can ignore the minor ache. I noticed that after beginning the resveratrol that I started to lose weight. My energy after 30 days improved noticeably." Renee, Hobart Australia

* "Yip! Finally found one supplying lab tested micronised resveratrol in bulk. The price is reasonable too with free shipping. You just gained a regular customer" Mollie, Oakland

* "the next day after I started taking resveratrol I immediately noticed an improvement in my vitality and stamina. This increased stamina I had and I am able to maintain my full-time position along with traveling and doing all the financial paperwork, designing brochures, and handling all the public relations work. It's a great product and I intend on continuing its use." J. Shutterworth

* "My friend used the resveratrol and had great luck, i can only imagine if she would have combined both resveratrol and Wu-Long tea which is a brilliant idea. I’m gonna take advantage of these combos and will report back in a week to let you know how I am coming along! Thanks" Amy

* "I live in Perth. I’ve been using resveratrol since oprah recommended it. I am losing some weight from it!! I started seeing results in the first month and have it has been getting better everyday. Thanks" Marie, Perth Australia

* "I have been taking (resveratrol) P99 now for a little over two months. I have experienced a tremendous amount of energy, happiness, weight loss, disappearance of hair graying, looking and feeling younger, and heightened mental alertness which I have never experienced before. .I am planing to continue as i know the longer i use it, the healthier I will be, look, and feel." Robert H

* "My name is Sandy, I live in Colorado. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes two years ago and was put on medication. Shortly thereafter, I started using Micro500 resveratrol and within a week, together with the medication, my blood sugar level plummeted way too low forcing me to reduce my medication. This I did over a carefully monitored six week period. At the end of which, I was thrilled to learn that with proper diet and exercise and daily consumption of Resveratrol, my sugar levels have normalized and have remained that way since" Sandy Colorado

* "I’ve been on resveratrol for 3 months now and its been awesome. I look and feel so much younger.. its like the fountain of youth." Jeniffer

* "I experienced a huge mood elevation when I was taking 1200mg 50%. I thought I was nearly immortal and invulnerable. Resveratrol was still quite effective at relieving a lot of the joint and tendon pain, associated with my running and playing hoops. For the last 3 months since then I have been increasing my dosage 1/3 gram per month (currently at 2 grams per day), and the pain relief has been increasing as well. I will continue this until I feel like increasing the dosage causes any kind of side effect..." Mirian

* "Thank you so much for resveratrol. I did have R.A. and accidentally learnt about resveratrol here, then I wondered if it did something for R.A., and apparently it does. I had spent so much money in other treatments, with little or not effect in treating R.A. symptoms at all. Thanks again." Mary

* "Better than ibuprufin, or anything my doctor prescribed. I use the high purity, 98% micronized resveratrol. I found this on here with google. Not many vendors carry this though. I found I needed a fairly hefty dose, around 500 milligrams, to get near total relief. Being an engineer, I researched the stability issue. As long as it's stored at or below room temperature, and kept in a dark place, it is stable for up to two years. Ordinary capsules in a standard issue supplement bottle is sufficient if you don't keep it in your car's glove compartment, or over the kitchen stove. My brother tried it with the same results. Now two brothers, their wives and my parents are using resveratrol with similar results." Charlie F

* "Hey Its Ellen again. I wanted to give you an update and say the results are amazing!! I am shocked at how well this stuff is working for my skin. i think thats why Oprah would take the time to feature this product. Awesome product! thank you!" Ellen, Wellington New Zealand

* "I had started to have some pain in my hands that looked like I was beginning to get arthritis. It is definitely in my family. Then I started taking Micro500 resveratrol and after about a month all the pain is gone. I might add that I have started weight lifting again and my workouts are like I was 20 years younger and I am able to increase the resistance fairly rapidly. This is unexpected for a guy 63 years old. " Ant

I have RA in my knees for 5 years. My knees ache constantly and if I was on my feet for some time they would swell up to the point that they no longer resembled knees.


A friend introduced me to the Resveratrol and although skeptical, I eventually decided to give it a try. I started on 2 capsules a day and after 2 weeks the pain and swelling in my knees appeared to be cut in half. After 1 month all swelling and pain had completely disappeared. I was so happy now that I could once again do many things that I hadn't been able to do due to the pain and swelling. Another concern was that my blood pressure normalised, my cholesterol came down to safe levels, my restless leg syndrome disappeared, the pain in my legs is no longer an issue. My energy levels increased greatly and I sleep a deep restful sleep. My husband says I am a completely different person now.

Thank you to everyone that played a part in bringing Resveratrol to us and to the world. We are truly blessed."


* "I started taking Micro500 a few months ago for general well-being. At the same time see a Rheumatologist for suspicion of RA. All I can tell you is that my hand and feet joints are significantly better. With a B.S. in Food Science and Human Nutrition and a Masters in Epidemiology and Statistics, I am always suspect of "claims" & even scientific studies. I'm not sure if it is the resveratrol helping me; but it is certainly coincidental. I will continue taking it since stopping is not an option to test for recurrence (don't want that severe pain again!!!!!)." Shauna T

* "Micro500 has provided me with plenty of energy. As long as I keep taking two capsules a day, I feel freed from a cage of caution and pain. My smile now is real, not forced from a grimace." Pablo Bachmeier

* "I've been on a 1gram dosage for about a month now, and after two weeks I definitely noticed better circulation, more energy and better blood sugar regulation" Mark Ruffalo

* "After two months using Micro500, I lost 8 kilos and have never felt better. I have experienced more energy, stamina and endurance. My eyesight, memory, digestion, sleep, and circulation have all improved and my blood pressure is normal. We are truly impressed with this product! I will continue to use it." Matt S

 * "Hi I would like to try the Resveratrol. Please let me know about which one you used. Once again thank you for helping out. Regards Sanka


* Hello:

I researched and used "HARMONI-T" brand and got good results. I tried other brand such as but unfortunately my labs were not good so I continued with the Harmoni-t brand. In the harmoni-t's micro500 it contains micronized trans-resveratrol 500 mg. Thanks" Anthony


"I use P99 and like it. (Id avoid most of the other brands such as Walgreens for now since they are low purities) One (of my mates) commented he uses one Micro500 a day that works the best. I wonder how much the other guys used. I know people who have positive results using 500mg P99 or Micro500 a day." Sean B, Victoria Point


"Thanks for mentioning the products you took. Could you also mention how much you took a day? (I am using P99 now) I noticed energy increases after 4 days. Interesting how this is working." Sanka

 * "I'm curious as to the benefits people have received from 99% pure resveratrol. I tried 50% res, and received some amazing benefits - weight loss, elevated mood, libido, etc. I am using four P50 pills a day so that i can get more than 1000mg trans-rsv. what do yall think? Anybody willing to share?" Dec


* 4 x p50 is 2400mg. Thats way too much 50% rsv for a day. Go for a higher purity, mate. P99 and Micro500 will be the products to look. Cheers Graham


Yes. I am taking 99% resveratrol, I noted mood elevation, increased mental clarity, increased alertness, decreased reaction time, etc. Daffy


With P99, I have noticed decreased reaction time. Mental clarity is relative; I think I'm clearer most of the time. My metrics for mental clarity and reaction time are 1)number of mistakes in the daily sudoku puzzles and 2)number of steals when playing basketball. After about 1 and half months of P99rsv, both numbers seem fairly stable. Stephen B

* Excellent for chronic back pain "I injured my thoracic spine in 1997. I gave up my social work career and slowly learned to manage chronic pain with morphine and neurontin. I managed, but gradually developed arthritis in the neck and spine as well as osteoporosis. I was able to never let the pain control me, but every day was exhausting, both with the effort for pain control and the side-effects of medications. When this resveratrol was suggested, all that interested me was the money-back guarantee. I knew it couldn't hurt to give it a try! After one week, my neck pain disappeared and my energy level was almost too much to handle. After about 2 weeks the two sharp knives that appeared to be sticking in two places in my spine became dull, and after a month, my back is now just "sore". It took a while to "harness" the excess energy, but it was worth it. I have just started to heal naturally. For so many people who suffer from chronic back pain, it is a shame if you do not try this. I can only say, trying it will NOT hurt, and you just may be released, as I have been, from your life of agony!" Dave

* "I had a bit of diahrrea like some of the other reviewers but that diminished after a few days. Now I could not believe the steady amount of good energy I had and how I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. After a few weeks, I noticed better, deeper sleep, and when I woke up I was AWAKE, not groggy. I also noticed dry skin disappearing and my joint pain was gone, I had better strength, and a better disposition." June, Shenton Park WA

* "A friend introduced me to Micro500 in April, at which time I was on six prescription medications, breathing treatments, and sleeping with oxygen. I was taking three prescriptions for high blood pressure and cholesterol medication, phenobarbital and various pain medications. I have suffered chronic neck and back pain from injuries accompanied with headaches and TIAs, for which there were frequent hospital and doctor visits. Since I started on resveratrol daily I have lost 21 kilos. I sleep better. I no longer need to buy stock in depends and OTC pain medication. I have more energy. I am literally pain free. I wake each day with a new outlook on life. I never knew life could be this good." Vivian

* No more arthritis "I have suffered from five types of Lupus for over 25 years, along with epilepsy, heart disease, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia with chronic fatigue. I started taking Micro500 at 2 per day and within a short period of time I was able to eliminate all but four of my prescription drugs. Testing done November shows, after my echocardiogram, EKG, and stress test, that my heart disease is reversed, my bone density shows my osteoporosis of five years is totally reversed, no more rheumatoid arthritis, and I’ve had no grand mal seizures since November. I have also lost 21kilos!" Wanda - Pyrmont

* Worth every penny "I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease several years ago. In December, I was introduced to P99 resveratrol. I started drinking 2 capsules once a day. After a couple of weeks, I began to experience restful sleep and often awoke with a sense of well-being. After a month, feeling began returning to my feet, legs and hands. My children have also told me I look younger these days. I am an lawyer and more than a little on the skeptical side. It's just my nature to weigh things carefully. I must say that after six weeks of using resveratrol, I am impressed. Amazing results! Worth every penny!" Jimmy

* Youth in a bottle? I've been drinking P99 daily for several months and have noted the following benefits: greater energy throughout the day, more stamina during my workouts and while running, proved mental energy, improved sleep and a greatly enhanced sense of well-being." Caroline M

* Highest quality Resveratrol "I have been taking resveratrol for about almost a year now and I would like to say I have lost about 13 kilos and it seems to keep it under control. I also have no more arthritis in my knees anymore. I have more energy than I have ever had, and I feel better than I have ever felt before. Two things factored into my changing into this Harmoni-T P99. Its trans-resveratrol content is more than 500 mg per serve. I take only half standard serving a day and I feel its adequate. So one bottle gives me two months supply. I'm over 50. As long as I can afford it I will keep on using it as a daily supplement. I dont drink any alcohol. I have resveratrol." Rita Damjanovska Tacoma

* "Resveratrol supplements are great! I have been taking 500mg a day for a year now and I have more enregy, have loss weight,fewer cravings, sleep better and my blood sugar has come down. I feel more alert, positiva and have a overall feeling of well being. There are no side effects." Jeff

* "Real good stuff. I have noted the following benefits: greater energy throughout the day, more stamina during my workouts and while running, improved sleep and a greatly enhanced sense of well-being. Expensive, but I will buy more." Optor North Adelaide Australia

* "Dr. recommended this for me as so far so good. On it a month and lost 2 kilos. Natural weight loss and healthier living is what I am after." Janet

* "I recommend this product to anyone. This company sends in a timely manner, as long as you are in the states, Australia or New Zealand" Larry L Hamilton

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